Communion Chalice and Paten
217th Presbyterian Conference - 2006
Object d'art - wood
Object d'art - wood
Object d'art - 6.5"H
Object d'art - 6.5"H
Scaled up wood plug
Scaled up wood plug
Mold From plug
Mold From plug
Wax model from plug mold
Wax model from plug mold
Carving mock-up
Carving mock-up
Plug, original, wax
Plug, original, wax
Waste mold set
Waste mold set
Waste, rubber, and production molds
Waste, rubber, and production molds
Rubber mold block
Rubber mold block
Block and case construction
Block and case construction
Block and case ready to cast
Block and case ready to cast
Plaster cast in block and case
Plaster cast in block and case
First mold section casting
First mold section casting
First complete mold set
First complete mold set
Ready for production
Ready for production
Casting Complete
Casting Complete
Assembly - scoring
Assembly - scoring
Connect and level  attachments
Connect and level attachments
Leveling attachments
Leveling attachments
Greenware chalice
Greenware chalice
Loading kiln with greenware chalices
Loading kiln with greenware chalices
Some 6000 Presbyterian Souls participated in a mass
Communion Service utilizing these 800 pieces of Communion Ware
Finished chalice and paten
Finished chalice and paten
Filling the Baptismal Font
Filling the Baptismal Font
Ready for Communion
Ready for Communion
Passing the Communion Chalice
Passing the Communion Chalice

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