the Making of "Satan Bound"
This work of art and its reproduction was a commissioned work for a church in Alaska.  The master mold set weighed hundreds of pounds, and required several bags of cementious plaster and four drums of liquid polyurethane rubber.  These masters were then used to make the production mold sets.  Construction of the production mold sets required 150 pounds of plaster each, and contained 57 mold pieces, which, when assembled, made a set of eleven molds.  These molds produced 13 separate parts of the figure which then had to be assembled, chased, and fired.  These pictures capture the essence of that process.  The final work produced from these molds was a beautiful, stark white porcelain figurine telling a Bible story.  Click on any image to see a larger picture.

Satan Bound

"And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven,
having the Key to the Bottomless Pit and a
great chain in his hand; 

"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old
serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan,
and bound him a thousand years." 

 Revelation 20:1-2       King James Bible







Wax sculpture front
Wax sculpture front
Wax sculpture back
Wax sculpture back
Interim mold
Interim mold
Master molds
Master molds
Mold parts
Mold parts
Mold set
Mold set
First casting
First casting
First casting
First casting
Final firing
Final firing

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